Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Hey everyone!

I was wondering if I can get all of your addresses? I know with the old list people have moved, cousins have married, and we have a lot of changes going on. If you can send me the addresses that would be appreciated. I hope everything is good for all of you. Stay in touch. Love you all.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Adam's Blessing Finalized

So, we finally got the schedule all worked out for Adam's blessing... We talked with the Bishoprick and got permission to bless him on Sunday, March 1 at 4:00 pm at our house (Dollar's house). With the people who were coming in from far away and traveling it was going to mess up people's plans to change the date, so we will be doing it after stake conference here at home- which makes me happy since then we won't have to miss church! We will be having a lunch after, so let me know if you're coming so we can have a count and possibly ask you to bring a salad or something... :)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Blessing Update

I just found out that March 1, when we were going to do Adam's blessing, is Stake Conference. So... we are going to have to do it another time. I am guessing that we can do it the week after, on March 8, but I'll let everyone know when I clear it with the bishop.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Adam Michael Dollar

I am posting a few of Adam's baby pictures- there are more on our blog if you want to check them out. Also, I wanted to let everyone know so it can get on the calendar: We will be blessing him on March 1 at 11:00 am. We will be having a luncheon after here at Dollar's so let me know if you're going to be able to come and I might ask you to bring a potluck or something :) We will be sending out invitations with his announcements, hopefully within the next week or so.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

'09 Ellis Allred Family Reunion Dates!!

Hey Fam! Time to make some more memories!!
We are way excited to announce the preliminary plans for this year's reunion! The dates are JULY 9-12 and we will be reunioning in Jackson Hole, Wyoming! We will have tons of fun; rafting, shopping, Bar J concert, etc.

I am working today on a mailer to go out with all the lodging info and some fun stuff too. You will get that in the next week or so! We can't wait! It should be a blast so save the date and save your money 'cuz Jackson is a tourist town!
Watch the blog and your mail for more info and if you have moved in the last year, make sure I have an address for you, please!!
Love you all, Vikki

Friday, January 2, 2009

Thanksgiving in St. George

We had a great Thanksgiving in St. George with Grandma and Grandpa. In attendance were Drew &Ariel, Erin & Andon, Kimber & Craig, and the Keller clan. Here are pic's of some of us modeling our Indian headbands that Jalen made and also one of Grandma and Grandpa meeting Brinley. Happy Thanksgiving!